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The Wellness Champions are an organization of specifically chosen doctors that represent elite minds in Corporate Wellness. With the completion of specialized training in wellness programs, these doctors have already illustrated leadership abilities into their communities to have been invited into to this elite and prestigious group. Not only do they bring outstanding individual accomplishments, collectively, they are changing the crisis in health care with a global view and international reach. As a champion, they are fighting to change a sick-care-model approach to health, that is often costly to running a business. Your champion's goal is to switch the mindset to one of prevention. Not only can they create that shift for you, but also provide the tools to become successful. 



To find a doctor in your area please choose from the listed, and certified doctors on this website. If you are interested in obtaining a doctor for your company lunch-and-learns, or computerized stress analysis you may contact them directly. They are all masters of articulation, however, time is their greatest limitation in reaching your employees on a preventative ideology. They are skilled speakers that ''Edu-tain'' with an engaging format. If you select a doctor to help you launch and continue wellness initiatives please know many of the doctors will also have resources to host entire corporate health fairs for you. In addition to corporate events, many Wellness champions will branch into hobby groups, religious gatherings and professional organizations that would also benefit from self-promoting health messages. Should you desire a doctor or program in your area, and a Wellness Champ is not listed, please contact The Wellness Champions headquarters directly to see if there is a candidate due to complete the certification process in your area. Many doctors are currently training, and due to graduate the certification process in a short time. Your specific area may soon have the same quality representation we always offer.

Please check below for your local Wellness Champion or contact us directly (562) 673-WELL or 


Out of US Select Here:

"We bring wellness to your workplace & champion the belief that health comes from within"

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