Dr. Dustin Morton DC

“In our office we are helping individuals and families find their health potential by removing obstacles to the healing process.” Nervous system interference (what chiropractors call subluxation) is caused by physical, chemical and emotional stress. Subluxation disrupts the delicate communication pathways between your brain and every tissue and cell in the body.
By reducing the devastating effects of subluxations we help people of all ages live a healthier more balanced life. Dr. Morton explains, “With chiropractic we are working towards something we may not have (health) but want, instead of trying to avoid something we don’t want (disease) that we have.”
As a public speaker and frequent lecturer Dr. Morton is available to give talks on a wide variety of topics related to health and wellness. Our office is also available to perform wellness screenings for groups, organizations or corporations.
Dr. Morton has been practicing chiropractic since 1998. He lives in Portage with his wife, Dusti, a few cats and hopefully soon, a new dog. His daughter, Serena-16, is a frequent visitor to the office. Dr. Morton enjoys hiking and biking, historical reenacting, and playing air-soft. His other creative outlets are community theater and Halloween-He and Dusti are the creators of the local haunted house The Chamber of Horrors. Of course, he truly enjoys his work in chiropractic.